Thank You for your shopping on our website! We are happy to see you getting your beautiful clothes in the shortest time. As such, please indicate your preferred shipping address and contact details clearly and completely at the check-out page to facilitate your order’s delivery attempt :)
For Hong Kong Customers
We provide SF Express Cash on Delivery COD HKD30 by 1kg OR HKD25 self-pickup.
Delivery is free for orders over HKD800 to get free shipping
Delivers to your door by SF or self-pickup locations.
All orders can be tracked on the SF Express website.
NO free shipping is offered if the payment is paid by Paypal. We suggest the following payments: Payme | FPS | Alipay HK | Bank-in :)
順豐到付 住宅HKD30;自取HKD25)
買滿 HKD800 包郵 [個別系列除外]
包郵只限使用銀行轉賬/轉數快/PAYME/香港支付寶 // *信用卡PAYPAL不包運費
・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・
For Taiwan Customers
♡ 台 灣 客 人 滿 HKD1500 可 免 運 送 到 家 ♡
3)請預先下載 *EZ WAY易利委*進行實名認證以便通關
若因客戶未能完成EZWAY APP註冊實名認證或提供的資料有誤,包裹將無法成功入境至台灣。該訂單會退回我們香港的原寄地址,客人需承擔所產生的運費。
Products will be delivered by SF Express.
- Delivery is free for orders over HKD1500 to get free shipping.
All orders can be tracked on the SF Express website.
Your local courier service will be contacting you to arrange and confirm the delivery accordingly once your parcel is in their hands.
All taxes customs and import duties and fees are the responsibility of the customer and must be paid by you in order for your parcel to clear customs.
Please provides your ID number and Chinese name/address for shipping on the checkout page or send a message to us.
・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・
For Macau Customers
Products will be delivered by SF Express.
- We provide 'Cash on Delivery COD' where payment is made on delivery by the receiver.
- Delivery is free for orders over HKD800 to get free shipping.
All orders can be tracked on the SF Express website.
Your local courier service will be contacting you to arrange and confirm the delivery accordingly once your parcel is in their hands.
All taxes, customs, and import duties and fees are the responsibility of the customer and must be paid by you in order for your parcel to clear customs.
滿 HKD800 包郵 :)
如未能使用Paypal支付,澳門的客人可聯絡客服使用當地銀行匯款 :)
・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・
For Other International Customers
An option is provided at the check-out page for you to select if you prefer the delivery by DHL or SF Express.
Please contact us to check your exact shipping fee based on your location.
All orders can be tracked on the DHL or SF Express website.
Your local courier service will contact you to arrange and confirm the delivery accordingly once your parcel arrives.
All taxes, customs, and import duties and fees are the customer's responsibility and must be paid by you for your parcel to clear customs.

Credit Card | Payme. | FPS. | Alipay HK. | Bank-in.
NO HK free shipping is offered if paid by Paypal. We suggest the following payments: Payme | FPS | Alipay HK | Bank-in :)
Apologize we do not offer refund service right now.
Exceptions for exchange will be allowed for changing size and defective products only within 2 days after you received the item(s).
All shipping costs for exchange are solely borne by the customer.
Check that the item has all tags and packaging intact, is unworn, unwashed, and in original condition.