文藝而浪漫的澳洲品牌Wanderlust + Co,
Wanderlust + Co 的設計強調細節與美感,結合幾何/流蘇/線條等經典元素,展現出時髦大氣的歐美風格。加上品牌緊跟時下潮流走向,以時尚的風格和細節的設計,創造出精美多變的珠寶,給予女性擁有自信的表現力。

事先就搭配好既方便又不怕會出錯 ♪
Wanderlust + Co
is a jewelry label from Australia for dreamers and lovers.
By inspired hearts for your daily adventures, each piece is designed to keep your jewel game strong. Celebrating what it means to be a girl in a digital world, we live to create pieces for our bold, global audience.
As a brand and company, Wanderlust + Co stands for the idea of always seeking beauty in things. The word Wanderlust stands for the desire to continuously seek and to have a growth mindset. That ethos is reflected in the uniquely hand-crafted jewels, which serve as a positive daily reminder for the wearer.