澳洲潮牌Mister Zimi由夫妻Jimi和Zoe於2007年共同創立,品牌名中的“Zimi”就是源於倆人名字愛的合稱。
Mimi Zimi最大的特點,就是將民族色彩濃厚的異域風情與摩登波普的都市風格完美相融。最鮮明的標誌大概就是其明亮的色彩,新穎別緻的波普風味印花,以及慵懶輕鬆的度假感廓形。
Jimi和Zoe都喜歡從旅行中汲取靈感,因此他們設計的時裝中總有一絲撩人心弦的異域風情,頭戴紅花的弗拉明哥女郎,椰島茅屋下小憩的赤道少女......都成為Mister Zimi風格與意像中驚豔的一瞥。
Born in the tropics and now residing in the land of bohemian style in Byron Bay, it is no wonder that Mister Zimi exudes holiday relaxation in its 70s inspired designs. Husband and wife team Jimi and Zoe Paul have fused their names and their design skills in a label that champions an easy-going aesthetic. With patterns inspired by distant locations and cultures, each collection features distinctive and timeless prints in an impressive range of styles from easy to wear shift dresses to jumpsuits, swimwear, and accessories. Offering versatile, trans-seasonal and relaxed dressing, Mister Zimi asserts that summer is in style all year round.