Fair Trade
Mar Y Sol 成立於紐約,是一個公平貿易和環境保護政策的跨文化設計品牌:不單融合馬達加斯加手編文化,使用當地的天然素材、植物染劑等有機材料;每一個包包更是以「公平交易」的方式合作,用教育的方式和銷售能力的裁培來代替援助,協助馬達加斯加的家庭建立經濟獨立的能力。
直至2003年,熱衷社會公益的藝術工作者LaurelBrandstetter 來到了馬達加斯加,感受到當地人生困苦,同時發現這充滿民族風味的包款,看到別人看不見的特色,決心將它發揚光大,於是成立了Mar Y Sol,並建立共同開發與貿易的機制,用教育的方式和銷售能力的裁培來代替援助。Laurel將這些工匠視作合作伙伴,而非簡單的勞動力。每一個包包都是以「公平交易」的方式合作、保障島民的收益,協助馬達加斯加的家庭有經濟獨立的能力。
Mar Y Sol希望透過加強產品的國際時尚美感,帶動銷售。從技術指導到與織品專家合作,Mar Y Sol 協助婦女們發展具有時尚氣息的包包款式;同時,定期與她們分享國際的時尚資訊,在保留原始和傳統的特色同時,加強產品的時尚美感,將這些手工產品推廣到國際市場。
Mar Y Sol
Mar Y Sol works with artisans in Madagascar and Kenya to create vivid, original handbags from renewable materials, enabling families to gain economic independence and education, and promoting environmental conservation.
Founder Laurel Brandstetter saw a chance to reduce poverty through the socially and environmentally responsible sale of handmade products and collaborates with artisans to create pieces with an innovative blend of traditional and contemporary design.
It all started in 2003, when Laurel Brandstetter traveled to Madagascar as part of a community outreach initiative. There, she met native craftspeople interested in selling their wares internationally, and the idea for Mar Y Sol, a line of eco-friendly, fair-trade beach bags, was born. Using raffia palms and organic tanned leather, local artisans hand-dye and hand-weave each colorful Mar Y Sol beach tote, fringe-trimmed clutch, and shell-shaped cross-body bag.
A family of leather workers’ crafts all of their handles and tassels by organically tanning the hides by hand. They work with a family who hand dyes all of the raffia used in their crocheted products. Then women in rural villages and surrounding Madagascar’s capital city weave and crochet the totes and clutches. The company has worked on a variety of projects in Madagascar and Kenya, such as developing clean water wells, providing education funds for school supplies, and donating eyeglasses as well as art supplies whenever given the opportunity.
Olivia Palermo也是愛用者之一
而Sarah Hyland則以活力運動休閒風配襯~