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  • 產地:西班牙 ✧  Made In Spain


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    巴塞羅那的精緻家居用品品牌 Octaevo ✧




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    A Mediterranean-inspired brand much-loved for its refined creative vision, Barcelona-based Octaevo combines natural materials with unique detailing in its homeware design.


    "The prints of the iconic two faces of Greek god Janus make this organic cotton tote bag an eye-catching accessory for city trips and island adventures. Printed in royal blue and gold ink, each side tells a different story of beginning and transition, the past and the future."


    Crafted from pure cotton, this canvas tote bag is fitted with dual carry handles and a zip-fastened interior; while the iconic print of Janus, the ancient god of the past and future, lends an individual finishing touch.


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    Material: 100% heavyweight organic cotton
    Colour: Off white
    Printed with water-based ink

    Embellished with gold foil 


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    Bag: 36cm x 42,5cm H 

    Handle : 25cmH


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    Octaevo | JANUS COTTON BAG


    Octaevo 來自巴塞羅那,是精緻家居用品的代表,講求用料,經久耐用。設計師兼創始人Marcel Baer將自己最喜歡的兩個事物——地中海和文具相結合,創造出了不少熱情洋溢的作品。


    地中海對很多人來說,都是旅行的嚮往之地。 Octaevo的設計師沿著地中海曲折的海岸線,採集美景彙編故事,打造富有深意而具有陽光氣息的產品。地中海的海水有無數種藍色,深邃的,澄澈的,碧綠的,深藍的,變化莫測又讓人神往,包裹著海邊的故事,無一例外地攜帶著厚重感。 Octaevo便是熱衷於收集這些故事,是地中海的狂熱粉絲。


    而「沙灘」和「海鮮大餐」,這些都是Octaevo的靈感來源。 60年代的里維埃拉海岸,戴上墨鏡的人們如同迷人影星一樣,一邊日光浴一邊看書,到了中午,便享用一道海鮮大餐​~


    Octaevo 真是把對地中海的熱愛發揮到了極致,每個有意思的角落都不想放過,想要拿出來與人分享,連經典的幾何圖形、地中海的幸運符都可做成書籤造型,讓大家讀書時還能想起地中海的和煦陽光。







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